Why is a brochure important to your business?

Mk hassan
3 min readNov 16, 2020

With the presence of the digital world all around us, is it still important to have a well-designed brochure? The answer is yes. Along with your website, social networking, advertising and marketing efforts, a company brochure is an integral part of your branding process.

It’s a vital piece of literature about your products and services that a potential customer can take with them. It keeps the face of your business in their hands — and in their heads — that will remind them of your services. Here are some key advantages of having a brochure for your company or business:

• A well designed brochure serves as a perfect introduction to your business.

• Accurately distributed, brochures can expand your company’s visibility.

• Brochures are great marketing tools when reaching out to new customers.

• Brochures can provide positive press about your company.

• Brochures are perfect for trade shows and networking opportunities.

I’d also point out the importance of having the right kind of brochure for your company. A badly designed brochure can say as much about your business as a well designed one can, so be sure that it sends out the exact message you want. A good graphic designer should be able to work with you in creating just the right look with the right words that will reach the right audience you wish to reach.

• I always tell my customers to keep it simple. You want a good design with visuals, bullet points with brief copy that will create interest — not paragraph after paragraph of text. Too much content and your potential customer will put the brochure down and read no further.

• Be sure the copy in your brochure sends out a positive message about your company — one that shows your success and will make people want to use your services.

• Include a brief introduction about you or your company. Providing a little information about why you’re passionate about what you do will draw customers in.

• State exactly what services you provide or what your company does. Make it clear so that people know what they can expect from you.

• Although this is obvious, it’s often overlooked: make sure your contact information is on your brochure: telephone numbers, website address, email addresses, etc.

A well-designed, well-written brochure can help sell your company. If you want to grow as a business and reach out to more customers and you don’t have a brochure yet, think about it.

Now is the time to sit down with Think Donson and get started creating a beautiful brochure

that will showcase your business the way you have always imagined it.




Mk hassan

Hey, It's Mk Hassan. I'm a creative designer working with graphic elements.